The secret to success as an INFLUENCER and also in LIFE

The secret to success as an INFLUENCER and also in LIFE!

What do you think the secret is? Some believe it's hard work, others consistency, and still, others point to the kind of content. What's your take?

In today's section, I'll reveal MY secret, how it's benefited me, and what it entails. For the longest time, I had the idea but lacked the drive. I made plans but never followed through. Today, I'll share what changed everything for me, and I hope it transforms your life too!

However, my GOAL here isn't for you to just skim through. I genuinely want the best for you. I want to witness your success, to be a part of your journey, and to hear you say, "Daniel changed my life" or "Daniel helped me." That's all I aspire for. 


To succeed in life is predictable, as is failure. It all comes down to your decisions. Life itself operates according to laws, which I'll share with you. The key to influencing people, changing your life, and avoiding failure lies in self-identification—yes, I mean it. Don't skip this, as it's the best and fastest way to thrive. Why? Because there are universal truths that everyone agrees with. For example, many fear death because they haven't fulfilled their purpose yet. Let me share my story: When I started content creation, I didn't know who I was who I wanted to become, and why. Perhaps you've seen celebrities or influencers you admire. But let me clear something up: You don't want to be them; you want what they have. They influence you because they know who they are. I struggled to choose a niche in content creation—a crucial step, as I mentioned in my last blog. Not knowing my niche led me to believe I could serve everyone, a common mistake among beginners and many content creators. The truth is, you can't serve everybody, in real life or on the internet. This brings us to the issue of purpose. Once you know who you are, you understand your life's purpose. 
Remember: If you know who you are, you can achieve anything you want!

5 Questions that Guarantee SUCCESS

When answering this question, please make sure that you're honest with yourself, and it's okay if you can't answer this question at once. For me, it took me a long while to answer this for myself, but when I finally did, it was incredible. Do this exercise every morning when you wake up or at night before you go to sleep, try answering this question.

1) Who am I?

    The day you can answer this question, celebrate—it signals a significant shift in your life. Despite its simplicity, it's one of the hardest questions to answer; it's about identity. Tip: Don't rely on others' perspectives of you; be cautious not to let people judge you. Know yourself, solely for yourself. Once you achieve this, you begin to influence those around you, becoming a beacon of light in a dark world. You start to draw others because everyone seeks self-understanding.

 “Most People are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation. ― Oscar Wilde, De Profundis

                         “When I discover who I am, I’ll be free.”― Ralph Ellison, Invisible Man 

2) Where am I from?

This is a question of origin. It is not merely about where you were born or your nationality or race; rather, it pertains to your true creator. It's evident that you came from somewhere; you didn't just pop out of nowhere and for no reason. Identifying where you are from will instill pride in your existence. Once you know your origin, you can discern what comes next, which is...

     "Never forget where we came from and always praise the bridges that carried us over." Fannie Lou Hamer

3) Why am I here? 

    This is another simple question that is difficult to answer. This question is about purpose. Discovering your purpose is one of the greatest things that can happen to a person because a purpose is simply what you're born for. Just like the purpose of birds is to fly and they never fail at flying, or the purpose of fish is to swim and they never fail at swimming, finding your purpose means you can never fail because that is why you were born or made. Tip: Success is simply accomplishing your purpose! Being an influencer isn't your purpose, but your act of influence is. Think about it. Also, wherever you find yourself, always ask, "Why am I here?" If you're doing something without a purpose, STOP IT!

For me, my purpose is to help you find yours. Your purpose is that thing you're not tired of, that thing you enjoy doing that makes an impact on people's lives. Remember, you cannot fail at your purpose, so try answering this question.

  Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them.  -Dalai Lama

  True happiness... is not attained through self-gratification but through fidelity to a worthy purpose. - Helen Keller

4) What can I do? 

    Now, this is a question of potential. Your potential is the ladder to your purpose. For example, my purpose is to inspire and help others, but I wouldn't be able to do that if I couldn't speak. I am blessed with the ability to speak, and I am not shy to do so; it is something I enjoy. So, without this blessing of being able to express myself, my purpose wouldn't be fulfilled. In simple terms, your potential is what you can do naturally and always enjoy doing. For some, it's football, for others, it's music, writing, speaking, fashion, or even dancing. So, ask yourself, "What can I do?"

For me, my potential lies in fashion and self-expression. That's why I can create fashion content. I hope you get my point!

TIP: Never be afraid to show your potential, whether it's in art, music, design, or anything else. Always strive to be the best version of your potential. In other words, always improve!

“Believe in your infinite potential. Your only limitations are those you set upon yourself.”― Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

5) Where am I going?

This is a question of destiny. Destiny is simply your final destination, the ending of your success story. Your destiny is the assurance of your success because if you can see and determine how something will end, what can stop you? Even God sets the ending before even starting; that is why the Bible says that God knows the ending of a person before the beginning. And guess what? You're a person. Every successful brand does the same with every product that they produce. For example, the iPhone has been made and tested before ever being sold to anyone, which means the producers have seen the end of the device. That's why they know what can spoil it or what can make it stop working before it happens. That's why they instruct you not to do those things. The same applies to your purpose. You should be able to determine your end and know what can spoil or kill your destiny and prevent it. You should also be able to know what can make you reach there faster. The friends you have, your habits, and your routine are all factors that determine your destiny. So ask yourself, in every area of my life, where is my final destination?

Even as a content creator, what is the end story of your content? What have you left with someone? In the end, did someone get entertained, learn, or receive help? Always determine your destiny!

"It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves". - William Shakespeare

However, content creation is not a numbers game but helping or changing one person at a time. Don't worry about the fame, the followers, the money, and even the engagement; once you get the 5 questions right, the rest will follow. Physical and visible materials are all by-products of these 5 questions. When you have gotten this right, you're set up for success, and your success protects your reputation. No one knows a product more than the manufacturer; the same goes for your purpose, your content, or whatever you want to delve into. It is also important to keep in mind that success is a result of your decisions; you and you alone decide to make a difference and not just a living. Make a difference with your content, post, your potential! In conclusion, your purpose is what preserves you and keeps you important. Also, your purpose is more powerful and important than your plans.
If this post has helped you in any way, make sure you share it with a friend or a family member and also with that person you genuinely want to see succeed in life and also content-creating. Don't forget to drop a comment if you have any questions, recommendations that can help someone and even testimonies on how your life has changed due to following this secret. Make sure you stay tuned for a new topic and the next step to succeeding, a new post every Monday!
Follow me on Instagram Instagram and subscribe to my YouTube channel Youtube to keep in touch and also to learn more! Remember, I am here to build a community of successful people and also content creators and not just to build a following.
My name is Daniel, it was a pleasure communicating with you! 


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